Saturday, March 15, 2014

New Pictures added today!

Here are a few new pictures - thanks to Dee Brooks Manning (Tom and Doris's daughter as well as our Aunt Katherine Brooks Halfpenny!! If any of you have pictures that you would let me share and document on this blog - please let me know!! We can get them either through scanning from your computer to email to me, or I can tag them on Facebook easily. Enjoy! This first one is a picture from the 1950's we think, of Tom, Doris (his wife), Ronnie (the little guy), Patsy White and an unknown who could be Katherine!
The next one is a photo of the three Brooks sisters, Jeanne B. Diffee, Peggy B. Moore and Katherine B. Halfpenny
This one is of the Brooks siblings, in 2012 I think - at Ron's house in Durham. Peggy, Ron Jeanne and Katherine standing.
Next is an old picture from Christmas at Jeanne's house in Burlington (probably the 80's) Ron, Granny Belva Brooks, Jeanne and Peggy
Here is a picture from Katherine's collection - Papa Garland Brooks - from the 50's it appears to be
Back in the 1970's - you can tell from the haircuts! This was a family reunion at Tom and Doris's home with Granny Belva and Grandpa Garland and the grandchildren who lived in the area of Burlington. Steve Brooks, Delores (Dee) Brooks, Joey Brooks, Denise and Scott Diffee. Billy's son,Billy Boy, who lived in Burlington was probably too young and I'm not sure they were even there. Also missing is Mark Bright, Peggy and Otis Bright's son who is the same age as Scott, and Joey is a little younger!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tom and Doris Brooks - dating days

Here's a picture submitted on Facebook by their daughter, Dee. Ronnie Brooks is the little guy standing beside Doris at the top. We're waiting for Kathy Brooks Halfpenny to figure out who the others are. I think she was too little at the time to remember though, don't you??